Saturday, August 20, 2011

Here's How Our Ventures Turned Out

One of the last posts talked about things going on on our little farm here.  Well it all sounded great in theory, but some things didn't turn out.  The fence turned out great and is working out wonderfully keeping the sheep and goats in a new pasture.  It's cool because they are right by our driveway and we can see them more often instead of being further away down the pasture.

Speaking of goats and sheep: our one female goat, Patty, is pregnant, or should I say was pregnant.  I think she lost the baby.  Her udders should be getting bigger and they are getting smaller.  Her "tummy" is no bigger than the male goats (Paul, Petey and Two Socks).   So I talked to a 4H extension office agent and he was saying the goats won't really miscarry, but the baby will reabsorb back into their bodies.  Interesting.  I haven't seen evidence that she had a miscarriage, but it does seem as if she is getting smaller and not bigger.  Plus I think one of the goats had worms.  Oh joy...

Also, we tried to make grape jelly and guess didn't set.  It sealed from the canner but didn't set.  So we have to do it over.  That's okay.  It will be a good learning experience for us.  It turns out we were looking at two different recipes and I measured incorrectly. 

So there you have it, the short version of a long day in the life at our farm.

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